Codiant coat

Concentrated PTFE paint protection coating. It gives an incredible sleek glossy finish to soft or new paint.

Shimmer Tyre Coat

Shimmer Tyre Coat is long lasting product contains Silicone Rubber oil for the reclamation of unique completion of tyre

Aloi – shield

Aloi-Shield gives the alloy wheels a sparkling look and protection from corrosion, brake dirt, street salts and dust off the alloy wheels for longer period.

AC Sterilizer

AC Sterilizer eliminates the bacteria and bad odor inside the AC grill . It is compatible to all vehicle AC

Ozone Catalyst

Ozone Catalyst kills the complete bacteria inside the vehicle leaving fresh and bacteria and virus free environment.

Carnauba Palm

Carnauba Palm contains Silicone and Carnauba Wax designed to remove minor paint imperfection and gives a long lasting deep gloss shine. It contains non-hazardous ingredient used as solvent

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